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HP Z6G4 Xeon 4214R 2.4Ghz 12C 2400 100W CPU2 bộ xử lý

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created by HP
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Chỉnh sửa thông tin vào ngày:
06 May 2024, 00:10:29
End of life date:
31 Mar 2024
Short summary description HP Z6G4 Xeon 4214R 2.4Ghz 12C 2400 100W CPU2 bộ xử lý:

HP Z6G4 Xeon 4214R 2.4Ghz 12C 2400 100W CPU2

Long summary description HP Z6G4 Xeon 4214R 2.4Ghz 12C 2400 100W CPU2 bộ xử lý:

HP Z6G4 Xeon 4214R 2.4Ghz 12C 2400 100W CPU2

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