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HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System

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HP Check ‘HP’ global rank
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StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System
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Mrežna oprema za isporuku sadržaja Check ‘HP’ global rank
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Kvaliteta podatkovnih tablica: created by HP
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samo su logistički podaci uvezeni: imamo samo osnovne podatke uvezene od dobavljača, urednik još nije kreirao podatkovnu tablicu.
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Pregled proizvoda: 162026
Ta se statistika temelji na 97136 korištenje stranica za e-trgovinu (web shopovi, distributeri, stranice za usporedbu, ASP-ovi, sustavi plaćanja, itd.) preuzimanje ove Icecat podatkovne tablice od Samo su brandovi - sponzori uključeni u besplatnu distribuciju Open Icecat sadržaja kako je koristšteno od strane 94642 besplatni Open Icecat korisnici.
Informacije izmijenjene na: 13 Jul 2023 00:43:11
Datum posljednje promjene ove podatkovne tablice u Icecatu.
Dugačko ime proizvoda HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System :
Kratak opis %%naslov%%

HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System
HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System:
Službeni marketinški tekst %% title %% koji je dostavio proizvođač

You have better things to do than worry about storage. You’re working with multiple management interfaces, security concerns, and shrinking backup windows—all while your data is growing, requiring more and more space. You need a shared storage solution that's powerful and easy to manage, and you need it now.

HP StorageWorks X1000 Network Storage Systems are the fast and easy way to add Windows-powered unified shared storage to your small or medium IT environment. The X1000 Network Storage Systems offers you more for your money since it's a multi-protocol file server for Windows and UNIX/Linux and also iSCSI storage for applications/virtual environments. Built on industry standards, the X1000 is an economical and easy to manage solution for consolidating to centralized shared network storage. The operating system is pre-installed and comes with HP StorageWorks X1000 Automated Storage Manager, so you'll be up and running in minutes.

Get More for your Money

• Consolidate islands of direct-attached storage to one easy-to-use Windows shared network storage platform. Since it’s versatile unified storage, it can be a file server (or disk-based backup / replication target), an iSCSI target for application/virtual environment storage, or both.

Do More with Fewer Resources

• The operating system is pre-installed and user storage is easy to provision with HP X1000 Automated Storage Manager, so you can add storage to your network quickly and safely.

Protect and Optimize your Investment

• Relax — your investment is protected because you're not locked into proprietary hardware. And you can take advantage of built-in functionality like Integrated Lights-Out2 that lets you manage and troubleshoot remotely. X1000 models integrate with HP SIM and support ProLiant Support Pack.

Storage Management Tools

• Storage-specific tools and features included - File Deduplication, Quotas, File Screening, Storage Reporting, Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) snapshots, Windows Active Directory and Distributed File System (DFS) Replication.

Kratak sažetak opisa HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System:
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HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System

Dugački sažetak HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System:
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HP StorageWorks X1400 2TB SATA Network Storage System

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