when you need true workstation performance at an affordable price, choose the hp workstation x1100. the hp workstation x1100 : the power to invent in real time
the hp workstation x1100 combines the latest Intel Pentium 4 technology with the expandability and leading graphics expertise that only hp can offer. incorporating the latest version of Intel's 845 chipset which enables the use of ddr memory, the hp x1100 delivers performance comparable to higher cost rdram systems. providing both the memory capacity and opengl graphics support needed to perform digital video/non-linear editing (dv/nle), 2d animation, imaging and some 3d animation, the hp workstation x1100 can also be used for entry and mid-range mechanical computer aided design (mcad) tasks. collaboration with key digital content creation (dcc) and mcad software and hardware application providers ensures optimum performance, compatibility and reliability. for the pc user who needs the power to work unconstrained in today's competitive world, the hp workstation x1100 is the answer.
HP workstation x1100 P4 2.0 GHz 512M/18g SCSI hdd fire gl 8800 24x CD-RW
HP workstation x1100 P4 2.0 GHz 512M/18g SCSI hdd fire gl 8800 24x CD-RW